Aug. 3, 2022 SLD 45 to support SBIRS GEO-6 launch, last satellite for infrared constellation On Thursday morning a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket is scheduled to carry the U.S. Space Force’s Space Based Infrared System Geosynchronous Earth Orbit 6 missile warning satellite into space. The satellite, which is the last in the SBIRS GEO constellation, will be launched into space just
July 25, 2022 Inaugural Space Force race registration open until Nov. 1 Registration for the first-ever United States Space Force T-Minus 10-Miler race, in-person and virtual events, is open until Nov. 1, 2022, at
July 8, 2022 Project Arc fosters innovation across Air and Space Force Scientists and engineers across the U.S. Air and Space Force are being deployed to more than a dozen bases in the United States to develop innovative solutions to a variety of problems.
Dec. 7, 2021 ULA Atlas V launches Space Test Program SAT-6, LDPE-1 into orbit At 5:19 a.m., Dec. 7 while many along Florida’s space coast likely slept, a United Launch Alliance Atlas V at Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, powered the Department of Defense’s Space Test Program (STP)-3 mission and two satellites into space.