PETERSON SPACE FORCE BASE, Colo. -- After 13 months as a detachment in provisional status, the 37 Tactical Intelligence Squadron activated Nov. 15 in a ceremony at Peterson Space Force Base, Colorado.
The 37th TIS, which aligns under Mission Delta 3 – Electromagnetic Warfare, is the first intelligence squadron under the mission delta construct that integrates intelligence, cyber, and sustainment within mission deltas. The unit continues to be led by U.S. Space Force Lt. Col. Bridget Ajinga, a career intelligence officer who transferred from the U.S. Marine Corps in 2022.
The activation of the first intelligence squadron within a mission delta is a significant milestone in the reoptimization of forces for Great Power Competition. Mission deltas consolidate all aspects of mission area readiness into a single organization.
“It is impressive to think of the accomplishments these professionals made while integrated with the teams they support,” Ajinga said. “Now as we’re standing up today, we are simultaneously furiously working to build the concept of operations so we can step off together as a joint force.”
The 37 TIS will continue to push the bounds beyond the capabilities of the previous organizational construct as intelligence capabilities are more fully integrated into mission delta operations.
“This is a significant milestone on a journey of embracing evolving needs. This activation exemplifies our dedication to ensuring we’re well-equipped for a potential future fight,” said Col. Nicole Petrucci, commander of MD 3 – Electromagnetic Warfare. “This is the evolution of electromagnetic warfare as an expeditionary, joint-minded unit.”
On Oct. 13, 2023, Space Operations Command stood up the first MDs, which included MD 3 – Electromagnetic Warfare. MD 31 – Positioning, Navigation, and Timing, MD 2 – Space Domain Awareness, and MD 4 – Missile Warning and Tracking have also transitioned to the mission delta construct.
MDs consolidate functions that perform mission generation, intelligence support, and cyber defense with program offices in SSC that administer maintenance activities. Activities supported under this model include force generation, combat training, intelligence support, cyber defense, preventative maintenance, anomaly resolution, planning tools, and application-layer software development.