SpOC Commander speaks with NDU Foundation, underscores space’s role in national security and the joint fight

  • Published
  • By Abigail Behan
  • Space Operations Command

WASHINGTON DC – Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting, commander of Space Operations Command, spoke at a National Defense University Foundation National Security Briefing via video conference, Feb. 22, 2023.  

The NDU Foundation engages military and diplomatic senior leaders with the private sector thought leaders and subject matter experts within and across the national security industrial complex. Whiting spoke to the audience about how space is vital to our national security and every element of the joint and allied fight.  

“We are a society and a national defense enterprise that has become dependent on space. Space is now a location from which billions and billions of dollars of economic activity accrues every year,” said Whiting. “This is worth protecting in our economy. Our national defense is dependent on space as well, in fact, our entire joint force is sized with the assumption that space will be available through all levels of conflict.” 

Rising concerns regarding increased congestion in the space environment has become a topic of discussion in recent years.   

“We are tracking about 48,000 pieces of trackable debris on orbit. That number has gone up 90% in the last three years and that’s due to three reasons,” explained Whiting. “The launch of mega constellations, the Russian ASAT test and that we have improved sensors now that can better track the objects that were already on orbit.” 

During his presentation, Whiting also spoke about the importance of partnership with commercial industry.  

“We are in the second golden age of space. The first was when Neil Armstrong walked on the moon when there was so much excitement around space,” Whiting told audience members. “I think we see a similar level of excitement now except its being led by commercial industry. These partnerships expand our capabilities.”   

At the end of his remarks, Whiting took questions from the virtual audience. One question asked by an attendee was, “What is something you want people to know about the Space Force?”   

“We want people to know that, yes, we are new, we are young, but we are a full teammate of the joint force. We want to be able to leverage the goodness space has,” said Whiting. “We want the US public to know the U.S. Space Force is real. We want people to be able to meet a Guardian and know what they do.”  

Whiting concluded his briefing with closing remarks, pointing out that the importance of space technology is nothing new to our country.  

“General Schriever foresaw the importance of controlling the ultimate high ground of space and that it may become the most important battles going forward,” said Whiting. “We have seen the rise and importance of space for the entire joint force.”  

Space Operations Command is the fight-tonight force and first Field Command of the U.S. Space Force. SpOC's mission is to protect America and our Allies in, from, and to space… now and into the future.