Space Delta 6 protects space and cyberspace

  • Published
  • By Airman Ryan Prince
  • Peterson-Schriever Garrison Public Affairs

Space Delta 6 provides space and cyberspace access to the U.S. Space Force.

The unit coined “Cyber Delta,” was established July 24, 2020, and is comprised of five squadrons across the United States that carry out the mission of the new operations-focused structure.

The USSF has a ‘flattened’ organizational structure, meaning it has reduced layers of command, and has removed the requirement for Groups and anything like Numbered Air Force levels, according to 2nd Lt. Nathanial Akers, Cyber Defense Correlation Cell for Space senior watch officer.

“This change allows communication and decision-making information to flow between the Field Commands (considered Major Command equivalents) and the Deltas,” Akers explains.

Space Delta 6 provides critical mission assuredness to each of the 8 deltas within the U.S. Space, conducting no-fail operations every day.

“[Space] Delta 6 is the premier leader of space access and cyber defense for the USSF,” said Akers.

Akers said their mission is to provide continuous space access and availability through the Satellite Control Network, along with organizing and operating Defensive Cyberspace operations capabilities.

Not only does Space Delta 6 work around the clock, their reach is virtually everywhere.

“[Our mission] spans across the globe, all five domains of warfare are affected-- land, sea, air, space, and cyberspace.” Akers said “[We] provide the DoD, partner organizations, as well as coalition allies the ability to securely and effectively execute their missions.”

Satellite sustainment is critical to not only to all space missions, but for the Armed Services warfighting capabilities.  Satellites enable Global Positioning Systems, and also allow digital devices to connect to one another.

“[Space] Delta 6 provides assured access to space through the $6.8 billion SCN, allowing USSF operators the ability to communicate with satellites in order to keep their telemetry and maintain orbit,” Akers said. “Additionally, [Space] Delta 6 is responsible for providing organic Defensive Cyberspace Operations for the USSF by building Mission Defense Teams and Cybersecurity Service Provider capabilities.”

Within Akers’ unit, the 61st CYS, also works cybersecurity.

“The 61st CYS provides the second part of the [Space] Delta 6 main mission; which is to protect the integrity and security of all space-based mission systems and assets,” Akers said. “We provide valuable information regarding how to further protect and add additional layers of defense against those who would seek to harm to space based systems.”

Same Delta, different scope, the 22nd SOPS handles the SCN, which are essential to the ground antennas located around the world and allows users to contact their satellites. It is a method of command and control to contact the satellite to perform any critical commanding, explains Capt. Steven Ramos, 22nd Space Operations Squadron operations flight commander.

“[Space] Delta 6 is leading the way to integrate Space and Cyberspace,” Akers said. “There are two primary forms of power in this world... information and currency, both of which are digital within cyberspace. [We are] the tip if the spear in providing integrated security to protect our digital assets.

 He added that the unit’s goal is to become the USSF’s essential focal point for all things cyber on space weapons and mission systems.

“It is a once in a lifetime opportunity to get in on the ground floor of something great. The USSF and [Space] Delta 6 are those opportunities.” he boasted.